Hair Loss Treatment Myths

03/18/2012 16:51

Myth:  You can cure your hair loss woes by standing on your head.
Old wives tales claimed that increased circulation in your scalp would regenerate hair follicles.  The only thing standing on your head will accomplish is increased blood flow to your noggin and perhaps an amusing visual for your friends.

Myth:  If you cut your hair, it will grow back thicker and fuller.
Sadly, this myth is generated by nothing more than an optical illusion.  Hair is thicker at the base and thinner at the tip.  As hair grows back after a cut, it appears thicker at first.  But as it grows out, it will have the same appearance of thickness (or thinness) that it had before the cut.

Myth:  Drastic medical procedures are the only way to combat loss and regrow hair.
Fortunately, surgical hair restoration is not the only hair loss treatment available.  Products like Propecia and Rogaine are all the rage these days.  These options (available in a pill and topical cream respectively) can stop and sometimes reverse hair loss.

Myth:  Dousing your scalp with alcohol will help hair grow faster.
One of the lesser-known myths, this particular claim is more amusing than anything else.  Perhaps this recommendation was devised an alcohol salesmen hopeful to increase sales.  Unfortunately, pouring brandy on your head will only make you smell like a drunk.